A poor credit score is not a hindrance to getting an auto loan Markham Ontario. Because this loan requires collateral with enough equity, your credit score is the last thing a lender will look at. Title loans provide numerous benefits, and all the lender asks is that the borrower pays on time and never misses a payment. Here’s what will happen if you don’t meet your end of the bargain:
Why You Should Never Default on Your Title Loan
When a lender approves your loan application, there’s a tacit agreement that you will return the money. Failure to meet your obligation to the lending company has severe consequences. Defaulting on bad credit loans will result in your vehicle getting repossessed. The lender has the right to pull out your car anytime and anywhere. You’ll be given some time to come up with the payment, plus penalties. If you can’t, then the vehicle will be sold and the proceeds will go to the lending company. It’s how they recover their investment.
Late or missed payments also carry a fine. The amount will depend on the lending company. You might also see your interest rate go up. What’s more, defaulting or getting your car repossessed will result in a black mark on your credit history. It will stay there for about 15 years and could discourage other lenders or companies from taking a chance on you.
Faster Than the Competition
Premier Loans Canada pledges that they will provide the best deals for you. The company can also give as much as $100,000 without having to conduct credit checks. They also have low-interest rates, affordable monthly payments, and flexible payment plans. Log on to their website to apply or call their toll-free number at 1-855-965-1650.
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