Auto title loans can provide you with access to much-needed credit in case of an emergency or an unexpected expense. While this loan has risen in popularity and has been used by millions of people, there are still a lot of questions surrounding it. Here are some of the usual questions about bad credit loans Calgary Alberta.
3 Frequently Asked Questions About Title Loans
- What details should I provide? Lenders will ask you to submit several government issues IDs, a clean car title, proof of residence and income. You can submit copies of your payslips. But if you’re currently unemployed, you can present any proof that you receive money regularly. For example, you can show your pension or disability slips.
- Can I get a special financing auto loan using other vehicles? Yes, you can. As the loan’s name implies, the most important thing here is the title of ownership, not the type of vehicle. Many lenders accept all kinds of vehicles, from the standard car to trucks, vans, RVs, motorbikes, and even boats.
- What does lien-free mean? When we say a lien-free title, it means the car is fully paid and has no outstanding loans to its name. Many lending companies only accept collaterals that are owned outright by the applicant. But there are companies that do accept vehicles that have a remaining balance, as long as it already has substantial equity.
Lowest Possible Payment in the Industry
Looking for great deals? Your search is over with Premier Loans Canada. One of the most respected lenders around, they offer loans as high as $100,000. They also have the lowest interest rates in the industry, flexible payment plans, and affordable monthly fees. Log on to their website to apply or call their toll-free number at 1-855-965-1650.
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