It’s a great time to be a consumer. You can get everything online, even loans. Bad credit loans Kitchener Ontario have been around since 1990, but it’s only been in the last decade that these loans have gained a lot of traction. It has helped millions of people since then. Here’s why people love this loan:
Why Car Collateral Loans are the Best
- It has the fastest application process. The requirements for this loan are fewer than what banks demand. It also has a streamlined application process. You can get your loan approved in less than an hour, and the money will be released within the day.
- It’s very convenient. You have the option to apply online from the comfort of your own home. Even the required vehicle inspection can be done virtually. Instead of bringing your car to the lender, you can just send photos or videos of it.
- You can borrow a substantial amount. This will depend on the car equity. Most lending companies will offer you anywhere from 25% to 50% of the vehicle’s value.
- Your credit score doesn’t matter. Even people with poor credit scores can apply as long as they have a car.
- You don’t have to give up your car. The lender will only ask for the car title, and this will be returned once the loan is repaid. You can keep using your car.
Trusted Car Loan Expert
Applying is a breeze with Premier Loans Canada. You can borrow as much as $100,000 without undergoing credit checks. Our company also offers low-interest rates, affordable monthly payments, and flexible payment plans. You can even get the money you need within the day. Sign up on our website or call our toll-free number at 1-855-965-1650.
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