Vehicle title loans have helped millions of people who need extra cash. The fact that you can apply for this loan using just your car equity loan Kitchener Ontario, has made it the go-to loan of people who have poor credit scores or are currently unemployed. The application process is very straightforward. But what should you do if the lending company suddenly asks for payment upfront?
Should I Pay or Should I Go?
Legitimate lenders do not ask for any upfront payment. If your application has been approved, the lending company will either call or email you to confirm. They will then provide you with the information you need to receive your auto loan. They also won’t request any advance payment for whatever reason.
If the lender is suddenly asking for upfront payment, then it’s time to step back. It’s an ongoing scam that has victimized numerous car owners. These companies’ MO would be to ask the applicant to pay a fee for “processing” or “insurance.” You might also receive instructions to send the money through Western Union or other payment centers. But once you do, you won’t get your money back.
Lowest Interest Rates You Can Find
Enjoy great deals and good customer service with Premier Loans Canada. The company is considered one of the best in the country. Borrowers can apply for as much as $100,000 without having to stress out over credit or employment checks. They also have the lowest interest rates around. Their monthly payments are very affordable, and clients can choose the best payment scheme for them. Their streamlined application and fast approval mean you can get the cash you need within the day. Log on to their website to apply or call their toll-free number at 1-855-965-1650.
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