Receive the money you need within only one hour after your loan application
In most cases, especially when it comes to traditional bank loans, it takes weeks, sometimes even over a month, before your loan application can be approved. This, however, is not the case when it comes to applying for a car title loan through equity loans Burlington ON. When it comes to car title loans, you can get the money you need within one short hour subsequent to your car title loan application.
Why car title loans can be approved in such a short span of time
As long as you have a fully owned car with a lien free title, a valid driver’s license, and proof of permanent residence, you are eligible for a car title loan. These minimal requirements, plus the fact that you will not have to undergo a mandatory credit check or submit numerous documents to prove that you are financially capable of paying off your loan, allow for a more streamlined processing procedure. This makes it possible for you to get the money you need within only one hour after you complete your car title loan application.
With Premier Loans Canada, you won’t ever have to worry about not being able to afford your monthly payments when you apply for a car title loan. This is due to the low interest rates which allow for monthly payments as low as $45 per month, long loan terms of up to 8 years, and flexible payment options that cater to every individual. To apply for a car title loan today, you can call us at our toll free number 1(855) 965-1650 or you can simply log on to our website to apply for a car title loan online.
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