A medical emergency or your roof leaking automatically means additional expenses on your monthly budget. But what if you don’t have enough in the bank? Most would probably try to borrow from family or friends or pawn some valuables. You can also look into low monthly car collateral loans Brantford Ontario.
How Much Can I Borrow?
One question that people often ask when talking about auto title loans is how much money they can borrow. Your fast loan will depend on the equity you have on your vehicle, its condition, and in some instance, on the lender itself.
Lenders will base the amount they’re willing to loan you on the collateral’s equity. Simply put, the higher your car’s value is, the larger your loan amount. But don’t expect to get a loan that’s equal to the vehicle’s total value. This is a business and the lending company will want to recover their investment quickly. They will only agree to an amount that’s commensurate to how much they can sell off your car in the event you default on payment and they repossess it. At the very least, a lender would offer you a loan that’s worth about 25 to 50 percent of your car’s equity.
Same Day Cash
Another question borrowers often ask is when they’ll get the money. With Premier Loans Canada, you’re assured to get the cash you need on the same day you applied. The company’s streamlined application process means approval can be done in just a few hours. You can get loans as high as $100,000 and monthly payments as low as $45. They also offer low-interest rates and loan terms of up to eight years. Log on to their website to apply or call their toll-free number at 1-855-965-1650.
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Premier-Loans-Canada-151239998659206/?fref=ts
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