Getting extra cash to pay off unexpected expenses or to handle an emergency is easier these days. People can either pawn their values or apply for minimum credit score loans Kawartha Lakes British Columbia. However, the similarities between the two can make things confusing.
Understanding the Difference between Title Loans and Pawn Shops
There are several similarities between title loans and pawn shop loans. One, they’re easy to avail. Second, you need to surrender something of value.
If you’re planning on pawning a valuable, you take it to the pawn shop and they’ll offer you a cash loan based on the value of the item. You then surrender the item and return for it once you’ve paid off the loan and interest. One advantage of pawn shops is that you don’t need to submit documents proving ownership. However, loan amounts are quite low, regardless of the item’s value.
A title loan requires collateral – your vehicle’s title of ownership. You’ll surrender the title to the lending company but retain ownership of the car. You can still use it to get around or for your business. There’s also a chance that you can secure a substantial loan if you have enough car equity. Some companies can even loan you up to ten thousand dollars.
Get You More Money than the Competition
Enjoy great deals with Premier Loans Canada. The company can give you up to $100,000 in loans. They also have low-interest rates, affordable monthly fees, and flexible payment plans. You don’t even have to worry about your credit score or proving your employment status. Their easy application and fast approval process mean you can get the money you need within a few hours. Log on to their website to apply or call their toll-free number at 1-855-965-1650.
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