Auto title loans might not be as prominent as bank loans, but they have been the go-to loans for millions of people who find themselves needing immediate financial assistance. It’s because minimum credit score loans Surrey British Columbia, are designed so that people from all walks of life can avail of them. Here are some other cool details behind this loan’s popularity.
Cool Details About Title Loans
- No credit checks involved. Unlike traditional loans that require borrowers to have a specific credit rating, title loans don’t put much store on it. This is because the collateral involved ensures that both the lender and the borrower are protected.
- Speedy delivery of service. The whole process of applying for a car pawn loan can be accomplished in a day. You can finish filling in the application form and sending the documents and requirements in 30 minutes or less. Approval and the release of funds are done in less than 24 hours.
- Low-interest rates. Title loans higher rates than bank loans, with the average rate pegged at 25%. But you can secure interest rates that are lower than that with the right lender.
- Loan amounts differ per applicant. You can borrow as little as several hundred to as much as tens of thousands of dollars depending on the value of your collateral. Lenders will typically offer a percentage of the vehicle’s value. Ergo, cars with higher values net higher loans.
Trusted Car Loan Expert
Premier Loans Canada is the company to call if you want to get in touch with an expert. You can borrow as much as $100,000 from this company. They offer low-interest rates and flexible payment plans. Their streamlined application process and quick approval mean you can get the money you need within the day. Log on to their website to apply or call their toll-free number at 1-855-965-1650.
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