Get approved for a loan quickly and easily
Get the money that you need within an hour of applying for a loan! Quick cash loans don’t require you to go through the lengthy procedure of acquiring and submitting bank statements or numerous other requirements. Your credit score is also not a factor in the approval of your loan. The only requirements you’ll need for the application are a fully owned car with a lien free title, a valid driver’s license, and proof of permanent residence.
Your car is as good as cash
Car title loans are also known as fast cash loans. Because of the minimal requirements necessary to apply for a loan, you can breeze through the processing procedure and have the money that you need within an hour after your loan application. Your maximum loanable amount is up to $45,000.00, it is determined only by the appraised fair market value of your car and nothing else.
Keep your car
The good news when it comes to applying for a car title loan is that you get to keep driving your car. Your car will remain in your possession during the entire term of the loan. Your car will not be taken away from you or placed in a storage facility. This means that you don’t have to worry about the condition of your vehicle deteriorating due to lack of care or proper maintenance.
With Premier Loans Canada, you can keep driving your car throughout the entire duration of the loan term. At no point in time will it ever be stripped away from your possession. We promise you a fair appraisal of your vehicle, low interest rates, long loan terms, and customizable payment plans to suit your needs and preferences. Call us now at our toll-free number 1(855) 965-1650 or apply online.