Online lending companies have opened doors to millions of people who would’ve been effectively shut out by conventional lenders. Not everyone can maintain a positive credit score or have money in the bank, so it’s great that there are options for those who are lacking in this area. Securing a special financing auto loan Cornwall Ontario from this type of lenders are often quick, easy and doesn’t require a high credit score.
What Kind of Credit Score Do I Need to Apply?
Title loans are secured loans. It means you will put something up as collateral. In an auto title loan, the vehicle’s equity basically funds the loan and you would be required to surrender your car’s title as security. And because car collateral loans are secure, lenders don’t really bother with the borrower’s credit score. Many online title lenders won’t check your credit history or rating, although some companies might do a cursory check. What’s clear though is approval doesn’t depend on whether you have a poor or good credit score.
While title loans are flexible with regards to credit scores and even employment status (you can borrow money even if you don’t have a job), they’re strict with the payments. Defaulting or missing payments will result in repossession as lenders have the right to do so.
Get You More Money than the Competition
Apply for a loan today with Premier Loans Canada and get the cash you need in a few hours. This company can provide you with loans up to $45,000, the lowest interest rates around, and monthly payments starting at $45. Enjoy loan terms of up to 8 years and choose from payment options that cater to every borrower. Log on to their website to apply or call their toll-free number at 1-855-965-1650.
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