Bank Loans may just be a waste of your time
If you’ve got a poor credit score, applying for a bank loan may just end up being a huge waste of your time. You may end up waiting for days, even weeks, only for your application to be denied. This could be very detrimental, especially if you need funds in short notice.
Why you should try equity loans
If you’ve got a poor credit score, equity loans provide you with an alternative means of loaning money by letting you use the equity of a property you own, such as a house, a car, or a piece of land, as collateral for a loan application. If you need funds in short notice, applying for an equity loan may be the wisest course of action for you.
Short processing procedure with minimal requirements
To apply for vehicle title loans in Vaughan, Ontario the only requirements you’ll need are a fully owned vehicle with a lien free title, a valid driver’s license, and proof of permanent residence. Because of these minimal requirements, the procedures for processing your documents are simplified and significantly shortened. This makes the application process so convenient that you can actually go through the whole procedure entirely online and have the funds you need within an hour subsequent to your application.
Get the funds and keep your car
At no point in time will your vehicle be taken away from you. When you apply for a vehicle title loan, you get the funds you need and you get to keep driving your car.
With Premier Loans Canada, you can get funds of up to $45,000.00 without having to give up your vehicle. Out loan experts will always be available to assist you every step of the way. Call us now at our toll-free number 1(855) 965-1650 or apply online.